I'm Chirag, an undergraduate at UChicago, studying
math and computer science. Broadly, I have an interest in data and data infrastructure, particularly
in the context of machine learning.
I am currently working with Dr. Raul Castro Fernandez
in the ChiData research group at UChicago on the Ver project,
focused on finding views in an interactive, general way by profiling data efficiently.
I am the Development Director for WHPK, the University of Chicago's
community radio station.
I am also a DJ, web developer, board member, and the international music format chief. You can hear
play a variety
of music from around the world on Tuesdays from
1-2 CST. I especially
like to play electronic, but you'll hear a little bit of everything on my show.
Email: echo 'Y2hpcmFnMDNrYXdlZGl5YUBnbWFpbC5jb20K' | base64 --decode